Yellow Split Pea Soup with Pork and Pepperoni

Yellow split pea soup


  1. Rinse yellow split peas until water becomes clear. Leave the peas covered with water for at least 30 minutes.Rinse yellow split peas until water is become clear. Leave the peas covered with water for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Put the wet peas and 1 tsp of salt into a pot with water. Bring them to boil, then reduce heat. Take out foam from the soup surface. Simmer for 20 minutes or until peas are almost cooked.Take out foam from the soup surface
  3. Mince garlic.
  4. Cube pork, then add to the golden garlic and mix well.
  5. Slice pepperoni and add to the pork.Slice pepperoni and add to the pork.
  6. Fine grate peeled carrots.Fine grated peeled carrots
  7. Add 1 tbsp of butter into a preheated skillet. After that put minced garlic to the melted butter and fry until golden brown.Add 1 tbsp of butter into a preheated skillet. After that put minced garlic to the melted butter and fry until golden brown.
  8. Place cubed pork into the skillet with golden garlic and then mix well. Add tomato sauce, black pepper and 1 tsp of salt when pork is white.Place cubed pork into the skillet with golden garlic and then mix well. Add black pepper and 1 tsp of salt when pork is white.
  9. Add sliced pepperoni into the skillet when pork is white. Mix well.Add sliced pepperoni into the skillet when pork is white. Mix well.
  10. Put butter and grated carrots into the skillet. Mix well. Fry until carrots are golden brown.
  11. Cube potato and add into the pot with peas.
  12. Add the meat mixture and a bay leaf into the pot and mix. Simmer for 5 minutes and then turn off heat.
  13. Serve warm with crackers. Yellow split pea soup can last up to a week in a refrigerator.