Coconut Flour Liver Cake

Coconut Flour Liver Cake


  1. Rinse liver with cold water. Remove all visible membranes and gallbladder if present.
  2. Blend liver with onion using blender or food processor until smooth, or use a meat grinder if you want coarse liver texture.
  3. Pour blended liver in a large tall bowl. After that add milk, egg, coconut flour, salt and black pepper.
  4. Mix batter well with a mixer to get smooth consistency.
  5. Add olive oil and mix with a ladle for a couple of seconds.
  6. Preheat a pancake skillet or any flat-bottomed skillet with a little bit of lard.
  7. Ladle a bit of batter and spread over the skillet. Cover pan with a lid.
  8. Fry at the medium heat until pancake changes color from red to light brown.
  9. Then flip it over. Using an extra skillet makes process easier and faster. Repeat with all the batter. Add a little bit of lard when needed.
  10. Cube onions.
  11. Fry cubed onion with 4 tbsp (50 g) of lard on a skillet until golden brown.
  12. Add mayonnaise and caramelized onions on a liver pancake.
  13. Spread mayo and onion using a spoon over pancake.
  14. Cover with another pancake and spread mayonnaise with caramelized onions. Repeat until desired height of cake or until pancakes are finished.

Ideas for topping:

  1. Mayonnaise and caramelized onions.
  2. Sour cream, caramelized onions and salt.
  3. Mayonnaise, fried mushrooms and caramelized onions.
  4. Mayonnaise and garlic.