Feta Zucchini Pancakes

zuchinni pancakes with feta


  1. Grate zucchini using large holes of cheese grater and place in a bowl.grated zucchini
  2. Grate feta using small holes of cheese grater and place in the bowl.
  3. Add eggs to the bowl. Season with turmeric, garlic powder, salt and dried basil. 
  4. Mix well using a spatula.
  5. Add coconut flour to the batter. Mix well and leave for 5 minutes.
  6. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and spread olive oil or lard.
  7. Add a tablespoon of the dough on the well-heated skillet.
  8. Cook around 2-3 minutes on each side or until the side becomes golden brown. Set aside. Repeat it until the dough is done. If you need, spread more oil or lard on the skillet before adding new batter.
  9. Serve as is or with smashed oiled garlic.