
Liver Pate

liver pate

Instructions: Rinse carrots, peel them and then cut in half. Rinse chicken liver. After that trim connective tissue and fat. Pour water in a pan and bring to boil. Put the liver and carrots into the pan. Add salt and bay leaf into the pan. Simmer until carrots are soft. Let carrots and liver to …

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Coconut Flour Cookies

Coconut Flour Cookies

Instructions: Put soft butter and coconut oil into a bowl. After that beat them with a mixer. Add sweetener and beat until fluffy. Put eggs, milk and vanilla to the fluffy mixture and whisk again. Add coconut flour and baking powder to the bowl and mix well. Scoop the dough and make 1″ or 2.5 …

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Deep Fried Cauliflower

Deep Fried Cauliflower

Instructions: Rinse cauliflower. Remove leaves from the cauliflower base and then cut off the stem at the base. Chop the head into large florets or break it apart with your fingers. If florets are big, chop them into smaller ones. After that, trim and discard any excess stems. Pour water into a pan. Add salt …

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Kale Chips

kale chips

Instructions: Wash kale and put in a strainer for a few minutes. Preheat oven to 150℃ (300℉). Rough chop kale using knife or tear off with your hands. Spring chopped kale with oil and salt. Mix until all leaves become wet. Place on a baking sheet with parchment. Bake for 7 minutes, then rotate the sheet …

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Cottage Cheese Cookies

Using this recipe you can make rolls or cookies different shapes. Instructions: Add soft butter, cottage cheese, egg, sifted flour and baking powder in a bowl. Mix all together with a spoon. Knead the dough. If needed, you can add more flour until the dough does not stick to the hands. Divide the dough into …

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Flaxseed Crackers

flaxseed crackers with sesame

Serving: 10 crackers = 35 g Total weight: 220 g (38 crackers) Instructions: Add all dry ingredients to a bowl and mix them together using spatula. This will help to spread salt and spices evenly. Add warm water to the bowl and mix well with a spatula. Get two baking sheets and set aside. Cut …

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Butternut Squash Cookies

Low Carb Butternut Squash Cookies

Instructions: Add all ingredients to a bowl. Mix dough with a mixer until light and fluffy.  Make circle, oval, or any other shape of cookies using spoon or piping bag. Bake at 180℃ (355℉) for 15 min or until cookies’ edge becomes golden.